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How to wear red lipstick - 未名空间精华区
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How to wear red lipstick

发信人: ippolit (白痴), 信区: Fashion
标 题: How to wear red lipstick?
发信站: The unknown SPACE (Sat Nov 18 22:44:01 2000) WWW-POST

听说红唇膏很(算了,还是改英语吧)popular this season.
Unfortunately, I always manage to look like a dead
prostitute with that color on my lips...does anyone have
advice about how to wear it? Some suggestions about the
brand and color would be most helpful.

※ 来源:.The unknown SPACE[FROM: nas1-143.fas.ha]
发信人: ayanami (发情的蚊子~甲亢中), 信区: Fashion
标 题: Re: How to wear red lipstick?
发信站: The unknown SPACE (Sat Nov 18 22:54:05 2000), 转信

prostitute and even dead? >.< That is not good...
Well, IMO, it depends on your skin color. Some people might look great in red
lip, some dont. I suggest to look for some other colors..
But I never used lip stick... or that would be .. gay. :)

【 在 ippolit (白痴) 的大作中提到: 】
: 听说红唇膏很(算了,还是改英语吧)popular this season.
: Unfortunately, I always manage to look like a dead
: prostitute with that color on my lips...does anyone have
: advice about how to wear it? Some suggestions about the
: brand and color would be most helpful.

Linux is only free when your time has no value

※ 来源:.The unknown SPACE[FROM:]
发信人: Allure (倾城之恋~无豆), 信区: Fashion
标 题: Re: How to wear red lipstick?
发信站: The unknown SPACE (Sat Nov 18 23:50:23 2000), 转信

shouldn't be too bad on you since you are still young.
Guess first of all you need to match ur lipstick w/ your clothes by common
sense, say you won't wear bright red lipstick when working out.
Popular is not always good. (sounds like an old grandma ^*^) But because
being trendy is such an important part of girls' lives, it never hurts
to give it a try.
Chanel has very good makeup products, you can go to their counter and
pick out the kind of red that suits u the best. Also, M.A.C ( A Canadian
brand) has complete lines of makeup too.
Oh, also, try not to wear lipstick only. Before you put lipstick on,
use lip liner to draw out a shape of ur lips, put on lipstick afterward,
then put on glossy to keep your lips shiny. It is always better to use
same color set.
【 在 ippolit (白痴) 的大作中提到: 】
: 听说红唇膏很(算了,还是改英语吧)popular this season.
: Unfortunately, I always manage to look like a dead
: prostitute with that color on my lips...does anyone have
: advice about how to wear it? Some suggestions about the
: brand and color would be most helpful.

每个人都有一个梦 每个人都有一个家
才不会孤单的说话 才不会在梦里害怕

※ 来源:.The unknown SPACE[FROM:]
发信人: robinsnow (泉水叮咚~workout fiend), 信区: Fashion
标 题: Re: How to wear red lipstick?
发信站: The unknown SPACE (Mon Nov 20 15:38:43 2000) WWW-POST

couldn't think of why you look bad in red...if you are a
typical Chinese girl, red is really a universal
lipstick...guess b/c of the shades? a too-red red? have you
tried anything pink? like Stendal Ballerina(?)? have you try
anything plum? like Estee Lauder something i forgot? have
you tried anything even darker? like Elizabeth Arden star???

sorry for those question marks ;)))

【 在 ippolit (白痴) 的大作中提到: 】
: 听说红唇膏很(算了,还是改英语吧)popular this season.
: Unfortunately, I always manage to look like a dead
: prostitute with that color on my lips...does anyone have
: advice about how to wear it? Some suggestions about the
: brand and color would be most helpful.



※ 来源:.The unknown SPACE[FROM: aegis.cs.prince]


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